Kermode Uncut is Mark Kermode’s movie blog for the BBC, which is always packed full of insightful information and film commentary from the man himself. Kermode, of course, is the brains behind the greatest text on The Exorcist film ever written – The Exorcist (BFI Modern Classics)
(I consider this my Exorcist bible) – and the brilliant documentary The Fear of God documentary (available on the 25th Anniversary Special Edition DVD).
Last week Kermode posted a very insightful video discussing elements of The Exorcist – The Version You’ve Never Seen spiderwalk scene, and the still-missing original edit of Exorcist III: Legion. I have embedded the video below. Interesting to note that Kermode himself comments that the revival of the original Legion cut is still a work in progress. Tasty!
Thanks to Ryan at The Ninth Configuration for the tip. Ryan and the gang at his website are equally devoted to seeing the Legion project surface, be sure to check it out.