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The Review You’ve Never Seen

Okay so maybe some of you have seen this video before, but still, this is a nice video to add to the collection. Where can you see the whole collection? In the Video Gallery, opening in one week along with many other sections on an all-new captainhowdy.com. More on that later! Alternatively, if you have a TWITTER account you can keep up with updates from me about The Exorcist Fansite here (www.twitter.com/EXORCISTFANSITE).

This video is from At The Movies with Ebert and Roeper and they are discussing the release of The Exorcist: The Version You’ve Never Seen to cinemas in 2000. Interesting to hear their take on it, comparing it to the original. I especially like Ebert becoming passionate about the new ending and how unnecessary it was. In retrospect, perhaps yes it is – but at the time, TVYNS put Exorcist back on the lips of moviegoers world wide (thanks mainly to the infamous spiderwalk scene), and it was a fun time.

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About Jason Stringer

Former Webmaster of captainhowdy.com

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