There are those who read the novel and then watched the film, and there are those who went to the novel after the film inspired them. Both are masterclass in their medium. The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty. There never has been and never will be anything like it.
Cemetery Dance are pulling out all stops on one of the greatest volumes honoring William Peter Blatty’s work to ever be produced. Bound in one volume and personally signed (if you so desire) you can own a re-print limited edition of The Exorcist and Blatty’s official Exorcist sequel, Legion, as early as next year. Here are the details direct from the Cemetery Dance website:
Today we’re very pleased to announce a brand new special edition of The Exorcist and Legion by William Peter Blatty!
Featuring these two classic novels in one beautiful volume for the first-time ever, this oversized deluxe special edition will be a must-have for any collector of horror! This special signed Limited Edition also includes a career-spanning interview conducted by Cemetery Dance Managing Editor Brian Freeman, covering Blatty’s life and career from the 1950s to the present.
This 500+ page special edition is ready for the printer and will be published next year.
Available in two states:
¢ Limited Edition of 750 signed and numbered copies bound in a fine cloth and issued without a dust jacket ($75)
¢ Traycased Lettered Edition of 52 signed and lettered copies bound in leather with satin ribbon page marker ($400)
I’m sure I won’t be the only one saving my pennies to get my hands on this one! Can’t wait to get my hands on it! You can preorder it at the Cemetery Dance website now!
Thanks once again goes to Life Member Ryan and his website devoted to William Peter Blatty’s work