Home / Exorcist News / Happy Birthday Max von Sydow, turns 80

Happy Birthday Max von Sydow, turns 80

World renowned actor Max von Sydow was just 42 years old when he began production on The Exorcist, bringing the character of Father Merrin to life. Famously aged by make-up artist Dick Smith to look many years older, Max delivered one of the finest performances of his stellar career.

Today, Max von Sydow turns 80 years old.  Happy Birthday Max, and thank you, sincerely, for your interpretation and performance as Father Merrin all those years ago and congratulations on a fantastic career.



About Jason Stringer

Former Webmaster of captainhowdy.com

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  1. Is the bottom picture recent? He doesn’t look 80yo to me!

  2. Is the bottom picture recent? He doesn’t look 80yo to me!

  3. Witch, have you ever tried Google or Yahoo to search for images? I just searched and found dozens of images that are current. Here’s an example of Max today: http://www.magixl.com/cliparts/jpg/cinema_hollywood_actors/max_von_sydow.jpg


    Father Bowdern

  4. Witch, have you ever tried Google or Yahoo to search for images? I just searched and found dozens of images that are current. Here’s an example of Max today: http://www.magixl.com/cliparts/jpg/cinema_hollywood_actors/max_von_sydow.jpg


    Father Bowdern

  5. Of course the bottom picture is taken around the time Sydow starred in The Exorcist, during the 70s.

  6. Of course the bottom picture is taken around the time Sydow starred in The Exorcist, during the 70s.

  7. Hmmm. Just a suggestion, but wouldn’t it had been apropos to have a comparison shot between when he starred in the film a photo of how he looked a year or so before he died. (not asking for a death bed pix or anything)

  8. Hmmm. Just a suggestion, but wouldn’t it had been apropos to have a comparison shot between when he starred in the film a photo of how he looked a year or so before he died. (not asking for a death bed pix or anything)

  9. Witch, the more your write, the more I dislike you. Why can’t you READ the fucking comments before taking snipes at everyone including the host of this site? You, my friend, are absolutely mentally challenged. The Cap NEVER wrote Max is DEAD … he wrote Max turned 80, you idiot! How you ignorantly interpreted, “Happy Birthday Max von Sydow, turns 80,” into a DEAD Max von Sydow is really grating. Again, Google or Yahoo something for Christ’s sake instead of bitching … that would be more “apropos” than your asinine comments and suggestions, you fool. Grow up and ADD something to the site instead of whiny bullshit.

  10. Witch, the more you write, the more I dislike you. Why can’t you READ the fucking comments before taking snipes at everyone including the host of this site? You, my friend, are absolutely mentally challenged. The Cap NEVER wrote Max is DEAD … he wrote Max turned 80, you idiot! How you ignorantly interpreted, “Happy Birthday Max von Sydow, turns 80,” into a DEAD Max von Sydow is really grating. Again, Google or Yahoo something for Christ’s sake instead of bitching … that would be more “apropos” than your asinine comments and suggestions, you fool. Grow up and ADD something to the site instead of whiny bullshit.

  11. Witch, the more your write, the more I dislike you. Why can’t you READ the fucking comments before taking snipes at everyone including the host of this site? You, my friend, are absolutely mentally challenged. The Cap NEVER wrote Max is DEAD … he wrote Max turned 80, you idiot! How you ignorantly interpreted, “Happy Birthday Max von Sydow, turns 80,” into a DEAD Max von Sydow is really grating. Again, Google or Yahoo something for Christ’s sake instead of bitching … that would be more “apropos” than your asinine comments and suggestions, you fool. Grow up and ADD something to the site instead of whiny bullshit.

  12. Witch, the more you write, the more I dislike you. Why can’t you READ the fucking comments before taking snipes at everyone including the host of this site? You, my friend, are absolutely mentally challenged. The Cap NEVER wrote Max is DEAD … he wrote Max turned 80, you idiot! How you ignorantly interpreted, “Happy Birthday Max von Sydow, turns 80,” into a DEAD Max von Sydow is really grating. Again, Google or Yahoo something for Christ’s sake instead of bitching … that would be more “apropos” than your asinine comments and suggestions, you fool. Grow up and ADD something to the site instead of whiny bullshit.

  13. I have to agree with fatherbowdern here.

  14. I have to agree with fatherbowdern here.

  15. Bulp. Sorry for the error. I must had been half asleep. Don’t know where the death-bed thing came from. All I really meant is wouldn’t it be nice to see a picture of 80-year-old Sydow compared with Sydow made-up to look 80 in the Exorcist. I have seen similar comparisons between William Shatner and his make-up job in The Deadly Years. And yes, I’m admit I made a mistake here.

  16. Bulp. Sorry for the error. I must had been half asleep. Don’t know where the death-bed thing came from. All I really meant is wouldn’t it be nice to see a picture of 80-year-old Sydow compared with Sydow made-up to look 80 in the Exorcist. I have seen similar comparisons between William Shatner and his make-up job in The Deadly Years. And yes, I’m admit I made a mistake here.

  17. Witch, it appears you need to stay on The Deadly Years’ website to moan and groan there. NOW your comment is so far off base by making comparative analytical purviews between two websites that you sound like you’re about, oh, 9-years-old, perhaps. This is NOT YOUR website only. It’s really OUR website hosted by the Cap. Stop bitching! And again, have you ever tried Google or Yahoo to search for images or pertinent web pages? I really like our host here a lot, but I have yet to expect him to read my mind on what should or should not be on main page posts nor to create those posts to my exact specifications. That’s called “editorial bias” and you need to quit nitpicking on every fucking entry. ADD SOMETHING CREATIVE RATHER THAN YOUR NEFARIOUS COMMENTS AND OPINIONS!

  18. Witch, it appears you need to stay on The Deadly Years’ website to moan and groan there. NOW your comment is so far off base by making comparative analytical purviews between two websites that you sound like you’re about, oh, 9-years-old, perhaps. This is NOT YOUR website only. It’s really OUR website hosted by the Cap. Stop bitching! And again, have you ever tried Google or Yahoo to search for images or pertinent web pages? I really like our host here a lot, but I have yet to expect him to read my mind on what should or should not be on main page posts nor to create those posts to my exact specifications. That’s called “editorial bias” and you need to quit nitpicking on every fucking entry. ADD SOMETHING CREATIVE RATHER THAN YOUR NEFARIOUS COMMENTS AND OPINIONS!

  19. fatherbowdern, it was an honest suggestion from Witch, who also admitted they made a mistake in their last comment. No need to harp on it, let’s just cool it off a little, please.

  20. fatherbowdern, it was an honest suggestion from Witch, who also admitted they made a mistake in their last comment. No need to harp on it, let’s just cool it off a little, please.

  21. Cap, are you actually reading your own website blogs AND catching the comments from Witch? As the host, you need not monitor my comments and take retaliatory actions (this is not a “Father Knows Best” site). In fact, this is actually the second time for you to take snipes at me and, quite frankly, your comments typically reside in the realm of taking sides versus having an open mind in a few cases.

    If you choose to eliminate me from your website because I’m pointing out one of your habitual flaws, have at it. However, remove all of my comments and all of the other many contributions I’ve made. If not, quite choosing one evil over another and decide to read what’s actually going on before defending who you deem as the “meek and mild” in need of defense. Be fair, dude … others “harp”, too on here, trust me. I’m at least one person who contributes here (take a look at my past postings).

    Peace Out,


  22. Cap, are you actually reading your own website blogs AND catching the comments from Witch? As the host, you need not monitor my comments and take retaliatory actions (this is not a “Father Knows Best” site). In fact, this is actually the second time for you to take snipes at me and, quite frankly, your comments typically reside in the realm of taking sides versus having an open mind in a few cases.

    If you choose to eliminate me from your website because I’m pointing out one of your habitual flaws, have at it. However, remove all of my comments and all of the other many contributions I’ve made. If not, quite choosing one evil over another and decide to read what’s actually going on before defending who you deem as the “meek and mild” in need of defense. Be fair, dude … others “harp”, too on here, trust me. I’m at least one person who contributes here (take a look at my past postings).

    Peace Out,


  23. father, I seem to have offended you. For that, I apologize publicly. Your contribution here is invaluable, I’m well aware of that. I will close comments on this post and IM you personally to discuss further.

  24. father, I seem to have offended you. For that, I apologize publicly. Your contribution here is invaluable, I’m well aware of that. I will close comments on this post and IM you personally to discuss further.