Home / Exorcist News / BBC Radio 4 to air The Exorcist in 2013
Sharon (Kitty Winn) tunes in to the radio to drown out the exorcism taking place

BBC Radio 4 to air The Exorcist in 2013

In 1973 William Friedkin tapped the unique vocal tones of Mercedes McCambridge to provide the voice of possessed Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist. A talented and experienced voice actor, McCambridge gargled raw eggs and chain-smoked while strapped to a chair to achieve the infamous demonic voice we know today.

40 years later, voice actors will be required again when The Exorcist will supposedly go to air as a serial on BBC Radio 4.

While speaking at the London Screenwriters Conference, Radio 4’s Commissioning Editor for Drama, Jeremy Howe, announced the station had obtained the rights to air The Exorcist.

Dominic Wells broke the news exclusively on his blog, London, Hollywood. There are no further specifics at this stage.

This radio serial is the third Exorcist-remake project to be announced in the past year: The now-doomed TV series that Morgan Creek greenlit without Blatty’s blessing came and went back in May, and the play which took to the stage at the Geffen Playhouse in July, starring Brooke Shields.

About Jason Stringer

Former Webmaster of captainhowdy.com

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