Home / Articles / William Friedkin: Blu-ray is the best print that has ever been made of THE EXORCIST

William Friedkin: Blu-ray is the best print that has ever been made of THE EXORCIST

The Toronto Sun has published a great interview piece with The Exorcist director William Friedkin. In it, he describes working with 13-year-old Linda Blair and how The Exorcist affected his approach to religion. He also speaks about the miraculous job the Warner Brothers restoration team did on saving the original 35mm print of his horror masterpiece.

This is the best print that has ever been made of this picture. These prints would have died. Every 35 mm print was born with a death certificate.

The article also includes snippets from Linda Blair and Owen Roizman talking about the all new Exorcist Blu-ray and DVD released last week. Read the complete article here.

About Jason Stringer

Former Webmaster of captainhowdy.com

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