Part Two of the Linda Blair interview on the Howard Stern show!

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  • #14247

    Here’s the continuation of Linda Blair on the Howard Stern show. Enjoy.View My Video

    Jason Stringer

    Great find! I've never seen this before so thank you very much for sharing. Mind if I post it on the main page at some point?


    It's out of sync, but go ahead, 

    Jason Stringer

    I can try to fix that. Thanks again!


    There’s a better copy on Youtube. if you type, Howard stern show- channel 9 show- episode 14  (1990). The whole show is there. I’m trying to download it using realdownloader then I will try to edit just the interview part and then put in on my page (tinypic website) then post it on the discussion forum. Paul Pfeiffer A famous artist made some miniatures (dioramas) of famous horror movies which He titled Scenes of horror. He made a replica of Regan’'s room and from Amityville horror and Poltergeist. Pretty cool. Enjoy.


    Captain, I can email you the interview, it's intact and better sync. It's a small file 106 mb, so I think I should be able to send it.  Cheers.

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