Movies worth watching?

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    “Sweet Hostage”….now THAT is a film I haven’t seen in ages.I saw that one on TV when it was new (tells you how old I am).

    St. Michael

    Caught Sweet Hostage on TNT one night. Copied it to video and then made the transfer to DVD-R. It’s butchered…. but it’s mine! All mine. 🙂


    I really love Night Patrol even though you don’t see her much but it is funny.


    I’ve seen quite a bit of her stuff. Everybody and their dog has seen her first major movie, although it was banned here til 1999. Have also seen Born Innocent, Airport 1975, Sarah T., Sweet Hostage, Ex II, Victory At Entebbe, Summer Of Fear, Roller Boogie, Ruckus, Hell Night, Chained Heat, Savage Island, Savage Streets, Night Patrol, Red Heat, Nightforce, SFX Retaliator, Silent Assassins, Bedroom Eyes II, The Chilling, Moving Target, Zapped Again, Dead Sleep, Fatal Bond, Repossessed, Prey Of The Jaguar, Scream, Double Blast, Sorceress, Bad Blood, Calendar Girl, Cop, Killer?, W.B., Blue And The Bean, Ghosthouse II (Witchery), Gang Boys, Grotesque, Up Your Alley…that’s all I can remember at the min. Main highlights are Sarah T., Sweet Hostage, Ex II, Savage Streets, Roller Boogie, Red Heat. Night Patrol is an absolute hoot if you’re not easily offended!


    If your really into Linda,may I suggest the movie “Fatal Bond”I think its one of her best besides her earlier TV movies.


    “Ruckus” is an over-looked film that she did. It came out before “First Blood” and deals with the same issues, and some say it’s a better film.
    “Summer of Fear” is good, too. And I enjoyed “Silent Assassins”, though she does not have a huge part in it.
    “Roller Booggie” shows her in all her nubile glory!


    I’ve only see Linda in The Exorcist, Heretic and Repossessed, so what are some of her movies you think are worth watching/buying (online, since they’re hard to find in stores)?


    Born Innocent is great… click on the link to see a clip from the movie″>


    I enjoyed “The Exorcist,” “Exorcist II: The Heretic,” “Repossessed,” “Hell Night,” and “Summer of Fear.”


    Born Innocent is a great movie.. Sad as hell, but great 😛


    Savage Streets was disturbing (Linnea Quigley’s character, damn), and astonishingly mean-spirited. Well, what else would you expect from a movie called Savage Streets, right?
    One thing that took the edge off for me was its cheesy, low-budget appearance, boom mics in the shot, etc.

    I actually enjoyed Born Innocent. I mean yeah, it was shocking, and depressing as all get-out. I just wanted to take Linda – Chris Parker, wasn’t that her name? – by the hand and run away with her and not be found by the authorities. Umm, of course, my hopeless crush on Linda at the time (I was 14 years old) maybe had something to do with that!

    Savage Island, now that’s a real hoot. Linda is at the very beginning, and the very end of this bad incoherent mess of two bad foreign films badly edited together. Oh, it’s bad! However, the box art for the VHS release is eye-popping. Haven’t seen it yet? Go to Google Image Search and type “linda blair savage island” and your eyes will almost certainly pop… out. Pop out. Yes. Your eyes will pop out.

    I found a preview of some movie called Imps* on iTunes. It was shelved in 1983, and only just released in 2009. Linda’s scene is shown in its entirety on iTunes as the “Don’t” girl.


    Born Innocent is a great and very underrated movie, but incredibly depressing. Chained Heat is pretty enjoyable cheese. I didn’t like Hell Night too much.

    I have Roller Boogie, Night Patrol and Savage Streets, but I haven’t gotten around to watching them yet.


    Roller Boogie is fun, and Linda is cute, but – no surprises here – it’s also badly dated and badly acted.

    Night Patrol is a bit crude (the sperm bank scene is… ugh), but a few of the gags are original. Linda’s character’s name is Sue Perman, and she almost faints when the midget captain’s speech includes the words “crap tonight”, then they beat you over the head with the joke. Ehh, you kinda have to see the movie.


    I watched Savage Streets last night and loved it. Linda makes a really cute bad ass!


    cappy said:

    I've seen Airport 75. I think this movie is a little ridicoules, but it has good stuff. As sar as Linda's concerned, her role is really not very big. You don't see much of her, but when she is shown she's really sweet(:

    I've been meaning to see Airport 75 for a while now. It has Linda Blair and Karen Black so it must be good. I think I am getting Witchery and The Chilling for Christmas so hopefully I'll like them. I'm not picky at all when it comes to movies though so I probably will like them.

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