Home / Blu-ray / Brief interview and new image of Linda Blair and William Friedkin

Brief interview and new image of Linda Blair and William Friedkin

After months of waiting (a delay that lasted over a year) The Exorcist finally arrives on Blu-ray today. Bundled with a newly restored Extended Director’s Cut, the Original Theatrical Cut, a retrospective book, brand new commentaries and three new documentaries filled with never-before-seen footage from behind the scenes, this Blu-ray is one of the hottest to hit the market, and the most extensive releases of The Exorcist ever produced.

The coverage for this highly anticipated release has been impressive, especially online. USAToday posted an article about the disc today, complete with comments from Linda Blair and director William Friedkin. They also managed a brand spanking new photo of the two.

“If you look at the dailies, you’ll see sometimes (Lind Blair)’s done the most horrific thing, and I’ll say ‘cut,’ and she starts to giggle and a prop man hands her a milkshake. “ –William Friedkin

What (the Blu-ray) will show you is that this truly was, as we have been saying for so many years, the greatest magic act ever filmed.”  –Linda Blair

My main goal was to make it as realistic as possible, and in the case of the special-effects sequences, they were real.”  –William Friedkin

It certainly is an exciting time to be a fan of The Exorcist. Even the most casually interested movie buff should get a kick out of this outstanding Blu-ray.

View the complete article here. Order your copy of The Exorcist on Blu-ray here.

About Jason Stringer

Former Webmaster of captainhowdy.com

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