Pictures of Ronald? Paranormal Task Force Took It Down Again!

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  • #21672
    Jason Stringer

    I definitely have the images on file. I will dig them up and post them as soon as I get back to my desktop PC. The original posts will also be added to the full archive here soon.

    Witch of Endor

    I assume no one here is concerned about rights issues when it comes to publishing photographs?

    Jason Stringer

    Witch has a point, perhaps this is why the images have been taken down in the first place??


    The original digital media created from this printed media does not infringe on copyright by any means to my knowledge.

    Public Domain/Fair Use/Educational Purposes photo of subject (click pic to enlarge):

    Rob Doe Hunkeler

    Witch of Endor

    If rights issues are no concern why is the face on the left blurred out?


    I did that in Photoshop.

    As a postscript, there is not one categorical legal violation of the use of this photo under the Restatement Second of Torts, Sec. a, to the best of my knowledge.


    Yet again, they’ve taken down the most informative web site on the case out there! >;(

    Does anyone have the yearbook photos of Ronald that they used to have there? They had a lot of photos of him. I wanted to show somebody who was interested.

    Witch of Endor

    Funny you should say that fatha. Afterall the student on the left was involved. s/he was at the same school as R.E.H. at the same time and could be a witness to some of the strange going-ons. Someone should track this person down for a thorough questioning!


    Absolutely wonderful movie.

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