Heck of a review of all Exorcist films

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  • #14198

    The “franchise” ably and lovingly analyzed 🙂



    Stellar find. Thanks, Granny! Shall be fascinating to see where the series veers next. I think they've done just about all they can do cinematically, so TV may just be the ticket…!




    Thanks, M.I.K.E. 🙂

    I'm afraid you're right, some kind of TV/cable TV enterprise might be next. Although I have to say – I'm just dreaming – that WPB might have one more Exorcist tale left in him, even if only a short story or a novella. Bring us back to Georgetown just one more time, Bill, scare us with the demon, inspire us with heroic priests…

    Jason Stringer

    This is a great find, thanks granville.

    I think you might be onto something, Mike (welcome back, by the way!) The more I think about the possibility of The Exorcist having a TV extension, the more I like the idea. TV quality has really improved in recent years (some even suggest we are enjoying another 'Golden Era' or television– which I agree with), All it needs is the right network to set the right mood. Hannibal had a great, frightening and gruesome first season, as did Bates Motel; then there's other deep and gloomy, affective dramas like Breaking Bad, Dexter and American Horror Story. I think The Exorcist as a drama that happens to contain horror could work really well in today's adult television environment.

    The Exorcist as a horror for the sake of cheap scares wouldn't work, as proven by (most of) the sequels. it's a fine line to walk– which is why I think it'd be important WPB was behind the writing.


    Yes, if the writers and producers could keep faithful to Blatty's thematic material and atmosphere, it might work.


    Thanks for the link, guys.  I'm sure you already covered this at the time, but at one point the director of Martha Marcy May Marlene was working on remaking The Exorcist as a miniseries for Showtime, or some channel like that.  I guess the bottom fell out of that one, but I was sort of curious anyway.


    Also, if I can annoy you all, here's another post I wrote comparing the approach to Catholicism in The Exorcist and Mean Streets.

    Jason Stringer

    Hi faceyouhate, welcome to the forums.

    Yes that miniseries disappeared after it was revealed it had zero approval from Blatty. Friedkin also said “I would never watch it.” Read about it here and here.

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