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Sharon (Kitty Winn) tunes in to the radio to drown out the exorcism taking place

Fan Video: Speaking In Tongues

Curiosity gets the best of us most of the time, and that is certainly the case with Exorcist Fansite Life Member fatherbowdern and his ongoing interest in The Exorcist.  Check out this video he has taken the time to create for the sake of intrigue, something I wish I had done a long time ago.

Speaking In Tongues takes the original audio from the film when Father Karras is recording Regan speaking as she vocalizes what is first thought to be a different dialect than her own. Later, it is revealed that it is actually just English… in reverse. A section of the recording is played back in the film as we see Karras listening intently to what it reveals (“Merrin!”, “He is a priest”, “Let her die!”), but what of the rest which we don’t get to hear?

This video first plays the audio completely, as it appears in the film, and then plays it again in reverse. The creepiest moment for me is when we hear Regan/Pazuzu/Captain Howdy murmur “It is warm in the body!” It has been such a long time since hearing that evil voice say something new or different and it succeeded in giving me the chills all over again!

See (or listen) for yourself:

About Jason Stringer

Former Webmaster of captainhowdy.com

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