What Are Your Top 5 Favorites Horror Films of All Time??

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    I’m sorry if this topic has been posted before, but I thought it would be fun to get some of your “Top 5” Horror Movie lists up for discussion…

    My Top 5, in order, are:

    1. The Exorcist (1973)
    2. The Entity (1981)
    3. The Sentinel (1976)
    4. Amityville: The Possession (1982)–(Yes, I know it was an Exorcist rip-off, but I thought it was extremely well made)
    5. Audrey Rose (1977)

    I am emotionally much more affected by supernatural horror, rather than suspense-type horror, such as “Friday the 13th”, etc…(And as far as this new “Torture-Horror” stuff such as “Saw”, you can keep it).

    You’ll notice that I didn’t include any of the Exorcist sequels in my list above…Well, for me, “The Heretic” was always a bit more sci-fi than horror. I like it a lot and think it is overly criticized, but it really doesn’t “scare” me all that much…As for “Legion”, once again I really like the film, but I believe that it is, for the most part, a crime drama…As for the prequels, I was actually one of the few fans of the franchise whom thought Renny Harlin’s adaptation was more affective than Paul Shrader’s…neither were “scary” to me though.

    Anyway, does anyone else have a Top 5 Horror Movie List that they’d like to share??



    Hard to really narrow down and I shift films all the time. However, #1 always remains the same:

    5. An American Werewolf in London
    4. Alien
    3. Psycho
    2. Rosemary’s Baby
    1. The Exorcist

    Father Bowdern

    PS: Look here for what others think.


    Well my top five horror films are:

    1. The Exorcist
    2. Abby (an African American version of The Exorcist)
    3. The Gates of Hell
    4. The Sentinel
    5. Black Sabbath(an Italian made film starring Boris Karloff).


    To Father Bowdern: Father “Rosemary’s Baby” should be under comedy. I just got the movie on DVD and that is one FUNNY movie especially Ruth Gordon playing the part of Minnie Cassevettes.


    I hate lists, I always end up thinking of something else that should have been on it 5 minutes after I’ve posted. But I guess these are pretty much it for me.

    The Exorcist
    The Haunting
    The Innocents
    Rosemary’s Baby
    The Legend of Hell House

    I would have had Alien on there but it’s Sci-Fi in my book, but hey ho it’s a fantastic movie.


    Ah yes Jagged, I forgot about “The Legend of Hell House”…A great little British scarer!!

    Another one I just thought of was “Let’s Scare Jessica to Death”…That was pretty darn creepy, and in my opinion, blows all the more recent vampire flicks away!!



    Oh some other movies I would like to add are “Beyond The Door” and “Mausoleum”.


    Those are good ones too BahianGirl…

    But I just remembered one that none of us mentioned which I remenber as being extremely frightening to me…”Susperia”!!



    My favorites are

    The Exorcist
    The Amityville Horror
    The Omen
    Nitemare On Elm Street

    And I don’t have a fifth. I have yet to see Rosemary’s Baby but plan on seeing it maybe this weekend.


    1. JC’s The Thing
    2. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead
    3. The Exorcist (original..not director’s cut)
    4. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ’74
    5. JC’s Halloween


    The Lugosi “Dracula” which seemed like ‘ground zero’ for the Univeral monster phenomenon
    George Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead” defined the zombie genre & is still relevant 40 years later.
    “The Last House on the Left” by Wes Craven. Very powerful stuff. Several years ago, a Leonard Maltin film review guide gave this pic zero star out of 4 (it was ammended to 2/4 in more recent editions) but you will never forget this one.
    “The Haunting” or “The Changeling”…a tie for 4th place with 2 classy & classic haunted house thrillers


    My top 5 is always changing, except for The Exorcist which is always at #1. Carrie, Night of the Living Dead, and Dawn of the Dead usually always make the cut, though.


    1 the exorcist
    2 jaws
    3 driller killer, saw only the boxcover
    4 sixth sense
    5 texas chainsaw massacre 70ies version (see also 3)

    3 and 5 rented later in life(pfew! no big deal after all) but the mere sight of those boxcovers revealed an other side of the world to me i never wished to get close to!!! This have always been the films i either feared the most or got the most scared of.

    Mike Myers

    Hello everyone, I just joined this forum and I think I'm going to have a great time here. 🙂

    Obviously, my favorite horror movie is “The Exorcist”, followed by the Halloween series.  I also really like “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, “Dawn of the Dead” and “The Amytiville Horror”.


    Just picked up the BR for the 50th Anniversary of Psycho. Naturally, I went to the shower scene … best picture ever and best newly created 5.1 audio. Bernard Herrmann would shit his pants if he hear baby.

    Father Bowdern

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