The Dark Knight (my review)

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    Here’s my early quick review… I’ll have a more indepth review written later this week.

    Speaking as somone that truely despises Tim Burton’s and Joe Schumaker crappy Batman movies… Batman Begins rocked and The Dark Knight was a masterpiece.

    There is not a dull moment in the entire 2 1/2 hours.

    Heath Ledger’s performance as the Joker easily embarasses that of Jack Nicholson campy overweight and over the top terrible performance and the stupid scenes of him dancing to music by Prince. In fact… IMO Tim Burton’s Batman was a steaming pile of manure that was very unfaithful to the original source material.

    Ditto to Aaron Eckhart’s to that of Tommy Lee Jones crappy interpretation of Harvey (Two Face) Dent.

    When Aaron Eckhart becomes Two Face, it’s truely looks realistic and more grotesque than the cheesy blotch of purple they put on Tommy Lee Jones face. Also writer and director Christopher Nolan did a way better job fleshing out (no pun intended) Harvey’s fall from grace. it’s was great seeing the true method of Two Face’s madness.

    And speaking of Harvey (Two Face) Dent …can someone explain to me how in the crappy Burton/Schumaker saga.. did Harvey went from being an African Americam (another element from the hack Tim Burton that was unfaithful to the comics) … played Billy Dee Williams …. to a caucasion played by Tommy Lee Jones, who’s Two Face performance was pure pathetic.

    Talk about inconsistant writing and casting.

    As with “Batman Begins”, the female is the weak link. Maggie Gyllanhaal wasn’t bad, but she wasn’t very good either but she was better than the wooden, no talent Katie Holmes.

    However, everyone else is at their best, especially Bale. When he’s on screen, you believe he’s Batman and not just some flavor of the month movie star playing dress up….. which is alot more than I can say for the crappy Burton/Schumaker Crapman movies which only casts flavor of the month actors.

    There isn’t a single character that seems to have been shortchanged. Every one has a fully realized purpose, which is extremely rare in this kind of film.

    Christopher Nolan has crafted a true masterpiece that will stand the test of time. I don’t know if the third installment will be able to top (or even match) “The Dark Knight”, but I can’t wait to see what he comes up with.

    I give this movie:

    Four and a Half out of Five Smiling Baltars


    So THAT was what all the fuss was about! GREAT movie. Easily my fav bat-pic and definately one of the most entertaining of the year. Right up there with “X Files” & “Sex and the City”. If it were another kind of movie it would stand a chance at best pic nomination come oscar time.


    Ya know what, Batman DK has to be one of the most over-rated movies of all time.  Sorry to disagree with the lot of you, but much of the fame was due to Heath Ledger's demise. 


    gumbloid said:

    Ya know what, Batman DK has to be one of the most over-rated movies of all time.  Sorry to disagree with the lot of you, but much of the fame was due to Heath Ledger's demise.


    Okay. However, I hate to disagree with you, but the “fame” of the film was due in much part to Heath Ledger's acting abilities.

    Father B


    Do you think that the Exorcist III Gemini Killer was an influence on Ledger's Joker?

    Steve Dunlap

    Don said:

    Do you think that the Exorcist III Gemini Killer was an influence on Ledger’s Joker?

    If I may chime in, I saw a little bit of Gemini Killer in the Ledger version of the Joker, as well as (oddly enough) a bit of The Crow.


    Rat Boy, are you a fan of Battlestar Galactica as well?   I loved both the original and recent series.  🙂


    I like the original (inspite of a handfull of cheesey episodes). All the multi part episodes except for “Greetings from Earth part 2” were the better BG episodes and all the one part episode except for the season 1 finale “Hand of God” ranged from weak to horribly unwatchable.


    I'm sorry to say I didn't like the re-imagining. I didn't like the hostilities between the cast and crew and the new series fans and the original series series fans. I know there's some viewers that liked both the old and the re-imagined series but I believe that Ron Moore either hated the original series or didn't think too highly of it and the re-imagined series was written, developed and  targeted for viewers that also hated the original.

    On it's own merrits, in my opinion it failed to be compelling.  Also I found most of the characters to be too unlikable to invest watching and routing for and too many in your face political statements on current events.

    IMO The Walking Dead has instead suceeded in being the ultimate post apocalyptic adventure drama series.

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