The Dark Knight (my review)

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  • #20719

    Billy Dee Williams WANTED to play Two-Face. He even signed a 2 picture deal, for the chance to play Two-Face in a sequel. He was bought out, so that Tommy Lee Jones could be brought in.
    And the current Joker is not faithful to the comics, nor is the way Dent becomes Two-Face. But I am ok with those changes.
    Bale’s Batman voice can be hard to understand, and is already being spoofed on Youtube:
    Do not watch if you have not seen the film.
    For the record, being a Batman fan since I was a child in the 70’s, I do feel Burton’s film were over-rated, and that Bale is the best Batman.


    While I hope the enthusiastic review is incorrect in presuming “The Dark Knight” will withstand the test of time (there are just too many other films of merrit that deserve the distinction), I’ll definately give the pic a peek when it hits DVD. Many younger people I know already thumb their noses at the last cycle of “Batman” movies so whether the new one truly has the legs to carry it over the next hundred years might be an over-statement. As for the new interpritation of “The Joker”, I get where they’re going with it without having seen the movie. A depraved, blood-thirsty, deformed psychpath is very much true to the comics as they are being written today. Over the past years I cringed at the ugliness of the charactor. Very dark stuff & absolutely not for kids.


    I think it will hold up no problem.

    I loved it and so far it’s been the closest to the source material. I’d still like to see if Frank Miller pulls off “The Spirit”. Then maybe he can do “The Dark Knight Returns” even though all the movies have picked at that meal for ideas…..

      Billy Dee Williams WANTED to play Two-Face. He even signed a 2 picture deal, for the chance to play Two-Face in a sequel. He was bought out, so that Tommy Lee Jones could be brought in.

    Yeah, but Burton still got it wrong and it was totally unfaithfull to the source material casting a black man as Harvey Dent in the first place.

    And then casting a white man as Two Face in the third movie was totally inconsistant and a major contradiction to the first crappy movie and Tommy Lee Jones’ portrayal of the characyer sucked.

      And the current Joker is not faithful to the comics, nor is the way Dent becomes Two-Face. But I am ok with those changes.

    Two Face’s origions may not have been faithful but the performance and the overall character was way better and more faithfull than the crappy Burton/Schumaker movies.

    And I thought Heath Ledger’s Joker was spot on. His origions was never fully explained but I found the characterization of the Joker to alot more faithfull than Jack Nicholson’s horrible performance.

    In fact, I thought Jack Nicholson sucked as the Joker.

      Bale’s Batman voice can be hard to understand, and is already being spoofed on Youtube: .

    Yeah, I’ll agree that Bale’s Bat voice bothered me sometimes. He got it right in the first movie but kind of fudged it up on this movie.

    And that youtube clip was funny.

      For the record, being a Batman fan since I was a child in the 70’s, I do feel Burton’s film were over-rated, and that Bale is the best Batman.

    I thought the Burton Batman movie was pure crap. It’s almost as campy as that awful Adam West series.

      I think it will hold up no problem.

      I loved it and so far it’s been the closest to the source material. I’d still like to see if Frank Miller pulls off “The Spirit”. Then maybe he can do “The Dark Knight Returns” even though all the movies have picked at that meal for ideas…..

    Look at that. You and I are on the same page and in 100% total agreement.

    As for Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns… I would love to see that adaption as sequel to Nolan movies rather than another reboot of the Batman movies.

      While I hope the enthusiastic review is incorrect in presuming “The Dark Knight” will withstand the test of time (there are just too many other films of merrit that deserve the distinction),

    The film is that great but why do you wish that it wasn’t?

      I’ll definately give the pic a peek when it hits DVD.

    I suggest seeing it on a the big screen. It was made that way. I don’t watching it on DVD will do the movie4 justice.

      Many younger people I know already thumb their noses at the last cycle of “Batman” movies

    It’s not just the younger people, I’m only 32 and I always found the Burton/Sdhumaker Batman movies to be pure crap.


    I’m thinking real hard and the only superhero pic that feels deserving of cinematic immortality is the ’78 “Superman”. It’s not that I’m a snob about them, quite a few are in the collection. There are a great many films dis-intergrating and being lost as we speak (type?). There are so many pics of quality forgotten daily. The Bat-pic had mega buzz & opened wide. Of course, it’s a hit. But as an earlier post mentioned, “Titanic” isn’t quite the girl she used to be. 10 years have passed, the buzz is dead and film review books are re-evaluating those 4 star ratings. I’d give “Dark Knight” a decade or 2 for the relentless hype to die down and in the meantime I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that gems like “The King of Comedy” or “The Stunt Man” or a thousand others get a fraction of the attention of the bat-hit. I’m a batman fan. I’ll buy it along with every other pic from the 40s serials to “B-Begins”. When the multiplex starts serving coffee & cigarettes they’ll see my money.

    Father Merrin

    The thing about the TDK is that it’s bridges the gap between Super Heros movies & proper movies.

    I swear to god the opening scenes could of been out of Heat & the subjects it’s touches on goes way beyond any Super Hero movie before it.

    Kinda like how The Shinning or The Exoricst can be talked about seriously as proper movies, not just being talked about in the terms of their own genres. So the TDK can be talked about seriously as a proper movie to a point.

    Is it as good as proper movies like Heat or A Clockwork Orange? No, but for a film that has a man running around dressed like a bat to be taken seriously on any level is a great achievement.

    And should be seen in the cinema!!!


    I’ll probably watch it on my psp driving to work. Isn’t that sick?


    I watched “Superman Returns” not long ago (on a portable disc player plugged into a cigarette lighter) and quite liked it. The fx interested me not in the least. I have a background in art & an unyeilding addiction to video games. The cg done in films today is really just an extention of hand-painted backdrops taken to the 9th degree & I’ve nothing against it. But the tech has got a long way to go before it will fool my eye. Having watched “Serman Returns” on a larger screen, I was distracted by the deliberate over-articulation of some images (flying superman, the cape, the boat, the airplane, the crumbling island, etc). For me, less may be more. And I’m nothing if not time-effiscient. The commute is a great time to get stuff done.

    Father Merrin

    Yep that’s very sick. Especially as some of the scenes were shot for IMAX. So that kinda means people who only see it in a normal cinema aren’t getting the full experience, so watching it on a psp whilst going to work is just pointless.

    Father Merrin

    I fail to see what Superman Returns has do to with The Dark Knight. & if you actually took the time to see this film you’d realise what a poor comparison it is.

    Do you know anything about the director Christopher Nolan?

    He’s actually adverse to CGI & tries to avoid using it wherever possible, opting instead for real action. As a result the main action set pieces are done for real, NOT IN A PC.

    Have you ever watched or heard of the film Memento? If you have then shame on you for thinking Nolan would direct just another cgi flick, if you haven’t then shame on you for dismissing a film when you CLEARLY know nothing about.

    I mean everyone is entitled to their opinion on a film they’ve seen, but you haven’t even seen this film & yet you’re jumping to the conclusion that it’s just another stereotypical action film.

    & don’t sit there thinking I’m some 14 year old who’s convinced Star Wars is the greatest film of all time & that I only go to see films like Lord of the Rings & now I’m convinced The Dark Knight is the best thing since the God Father. I’m Not!!!

    But hey, whatever, it’s your loss. Maybe when another excellent film comes out you’ll take the time to look at the people who made the film & decide to give it a chance instead of letting your prejudices cloud your judgement.


    Brrrrr! Actually, I’ve never been dismissive of it (don’t think so, anyway). No, I’ve never seen “Memento” and have no plans to give it a look. When Christopher Nolan developes a broader body of work I’ll stumble across more of his stuff. “Batman Begins” was his, right? It had more animation than a Saturday morning marathon. I hope the new Bat-pic doesn’t cuz oftentimes, it is a distraction for me. The comarrison to “Superman Returns” is a natural comparrison for me given the cg was developed with IMAX release as a marketing strategy (and that is what it’s all about). I have no real idea or assumption as to what you like or think beyond a ferocious jones for the new bat-pic and I’m guessing (intuitive me) The Exorcist. PS, I also desaturate pics to see how well they play in B&W. There are many ways to watch a pic beyond how the studios choose to market.

    Father Merrin

    I don’t have a ferocious jones for this movie. I’m just taken taken aback by your attitude.

    The way I look at it is this.

    If you met someone who’d never seen The Exorcist & you were trying to convince them to watch it & they were coming up with stuff like “yeah but it’s a horror film & they’re all the same, with cheap special effects & the like, I might watch it on my psp on the way to work”, you wouldn’t be happy about it because you know as a fan that The Exorcist is a multi layered film that can only be appreciated when watched properly.

    Same goes for The Dark Knight, that’s all.

    Do yourself a favour & check out Memento. I’m not saying you’re gonna like it, but after watching it you may understand why I was a bit taken aback by your comments.

    Here’s some info on Memento & Christopher Nolan.


    No doubt, “Momento” is very good. Unfortunately because of the size of the personal collection of pics (THOUSANDS!) & how the collection evolves, I’ll never see it. There is always room for the “Dark Knight”, tho’…even if it’s on the psp.

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