Home / Exorcist News / Blatty confirms changes to the 40th Anniversary edition of The Exorcist novel

Blatty confirms changes to the 40th Anniversary edition of The Exorcist novel

In a direct communication to Ryan, webmaster of The Ninth Configuration website, author William Peter Blatty has announced some amazing news for the forthcoming 40th Anniversary edition of The Exorcist novel (available September, already available for pre-order).

It seems the special anniversary editions will not be an exact reproduction of the previous text. Blatty himself has made some changes and is calling it his “second draft.”

He recently communicated with The Ninth Configuration website:

Dear Ryan (of TNC),

I forgot to tell you that the 40th Anniversary Edition of The Exorcist will have a touch of new material in it as part of an all-around polish of the dialogue and prose. First time around I never had the time (meaning the funds) to do a second draft, and this, finally, is it. With forty years to think about it, a few little changes were inevitable — plus one new character in a totally new very spooky scene. This is the version I would like to be remembered for.

All the best,

A new scene, a new character, and a polish of some dialogue! If you were hesitant about obtaining another copy of The Exorcist novel (I personally own 15 copies. No, seriously…) then Bill’s announcement that you will now read the novel he would ‘like to be remembered for’ should close the deal for you. The Exorcist the way he always intended it!

About Jason Stringer

Former Webmaster of captainhowdy.com

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