Warner Brothers have officially announced The Exorcist will be released in the new HD-DVD format.
Although they have not provided a solid release date, it is expected most of the new HD titles being released by Warner Brothers would be released before the end of 2007, to take advantage of Christmas shopping.
In a cruel twist to this good news, Warners Brothers cannot yet confirm which version of The Exorcist will be featured on the HD disc, nor which (if any) Special Features will be included.
There are several modern versions of the film to choose from which could be used for the HD release, including the original 1997 DVD, the 25th Anniversary edition, and of course The Version You’ve Never Seen. Each feature slightly different color grading and audio options.
It is possible (and more than likely, seeing it is a new format) that an entirely new copy of the print could be utilized.
Let’s hope those in charge at WB take notice of Exorcist fans’ desire to see more than just a copy of a previously released DVD. This is the perfect opportunity for Warner Brothers to release a new set with never-before seen footage and we hope they make the effort to do just that.
Artwork for the cover of the HD release has not been released.
To pre-order your copy from Amazon.com (and support CaptainHowdy.com at the same time) click here.
The Exorcist Fansite will bring you all the latest news on this release as it comes to hand.