This summer, The Exorcist has company, a worthy opponent, courtesy…The Conjuring?!!!1

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    The films are all the proof I need to make such a claim.

    Well, if time permits, details to follow.



    Though I think The Exorcist is matchless – remember when The Blair Witch Project * was considered a 'challenge'? – I was amazed at how good and scary  this was. It's a kitchen sick of just about every hoary horror trope you could think of, yet it works beautifully. Expertly paced, determinedly restrained, sparse on CGI, ruthless towards the audience. As effective a spookfest as I've seen in years.


    *The Blair Witch Project is an interesting, occasionally chilling endeavour, ground-breaking, the progenitor of the found-footage sub-genre.


    I thought The Conjuring was good but it was a bit like switching between two channels during an break; one showing The Haunting and the other Army of Darkness. I had the same pacing issue with Wan's previous flicks. He builds up all this atmosphere and suspense but then quickly drops that for completely over the top horror sequences and it becomes way too cheesy. Just doesn't work for me.

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