I love them! really must get hold of them. Not watched them for years. When I was 15 (many moons ago lol) I was in a play of Dracula (I played Jonathon Harker before you ask) and we took it to the Edinburgh festival. We used the music from Phantasm as the backing soundtrack.
Before I conquered The Exorcist, Phantasm was a very scary movie for me….however, some of the edge was taken off when I saw it classified as a “science fiction horror movie” at one point….so I was able to watch it with a little more fortitude, since I am a science fiction geek–when I'm not busy being a rock star. 🙂
I'm a phan of the Phantasm pics & am eternally optomistic that a sequel or remake will be forthcoming. It's unusual to see such a low budget series envelope itself in such a fascinating mythology…aliens, time travel, dimentional portals, mysterious spheres and the enigmatic; The Tall Man. Arguably, the 1st pic was the only 'good' one but even the lesser films add to the mythology in ways that make them invaluable viewing.