Page amounts

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  • #14062

    Any reason why there are different page amounts on The Exorcist books?


    Quite a few reasons.

    Different page sizes vs type size will cause different editions of books to run to different page counts. The same setting is rarely used between different bindings and editions.

    Bear in mind early editions would have been set with metal type which is melted down directly after a run. Modern editions (post 1980 ish) would vary between metal type and photosetting.

    All these factors along with the large variety of formats the book has been published in over the years will account for it.

    Also the latest versions have been amended by Blatty so are actually different in text length.


    Hey thanks. Not sure when the one I have was made. But I think the wording is different.


    There have been some word modifications over the years, e.g., for years Blatty had misattributed “God is love” to St. Paul, whereas it's from John's Gospel – newer editions corrected that.

    One grammatical error always bothered me: when Karras finds a natural explanation for one of Regan's manifestations, Blatty notes Karras' disappointment: “…as he slowly watched wine turn back into water”. Actually Karras wasn't watching “slowly”. Blatty means to say that the wine is slowly turning back into water. So it should read, “…as he watched wine turn slowly back into water”. Small gripe, I hope it's fixed in newer editions.


    Blatty slowly watched this line change! Laughing

    Father B


    Father Bowdern said:

    Blatty slowly watched this line change! Laughing

    Father B


    🙂 lol

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