Ninth configuration site with Legion pics

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  • #17346
    Jason Stringer

    This site is by our old friend, Ryan. Some of you may remember Ryan from a few years back here on


    Hey guys!

    Yes, it’s me. I felt it to be a sin that I had all of this rare material here with no place to put it, coupled with the fact that no ‘definitive’ website was being run devoted to Blatty’s own works as a writer/director, particularly in regard to The Ninth Configuration (my favorite film of all time – followed closely by Legion and The Exorcist 😉 ).

    I actually received an e-mail from WPB’s wife in regards to the website. She thanked me for the effort, and the mention of Peter’s untimely passing, which was extremely thoughtful of her.

    I’ll be launching a vBulletin forum over there sometime as well, along with posting scans of an ‘Exorcist III’ presskit I won on ebay a week or two ago. For those of you who miss that old ‘vBulletin’ forum format, you’ll soon have two places to post at!

    Incidentally, I’d love to get back into the swing with you guys at this community. It’s been a long time. A real long time. I’ve been in contact with Mike (Deathrage) on MSN from time to time, but that’s been the extent of it.

    P.S. – Justy, I harvested those high-resolution Legion images you posted and uploaded them to the section of the website. I hope you don’t mind!

    Anyway, all the best and I’ll check back shortly.

    Jason Stringer

    Whatever happened to you, anyway, Ryan? You were full-tilt-boogie here and in on and then *gone* all of a sudden, leaving the BloodyNews team in the dark. Now you’re here, back on, to promote your own website all over again.

    Just get tired of the politics? I can understand. I ended up handing over to the gang. Life got to much.

    Good to hear from you, buddy. Congrats on the website, too.


    Yeah, that’s basically what happened. I adored all the personalities that were here, but you know the way things can turn out.

    We essentially forgot what brought us all together in the first place – in depth, insightful discussions about the works of a truly remarkable man. It’s time I got back to the bare-bones and appreciate everything we have, minus the “politics”.

    It’s good to hear from you too. 🙂


    It’s really amazing to think that we’re all together because of WPB 🙂 . More Legion pics? My head’s spinning already 😀 ! btw, I had noticed that a couple of the pics were from Justin… He got some pics for me recently and said I could do what I wanted with ’em. I really have to get a copy of Twinkle, twinkle, “killer” Kane. I’ve wanted to read everything he’s written since I read The Exorcist. When I first heard about TNC I looked for a site (official, fan or otherwise) and I couldn’t find one! I’m so happy to see there’ll be a place for me after I become a fan of that book and movie too 😀 I also have a few pics of WPB, only two of which are mine; everything else was gotten through a couple of years of searching the internet. I’d be happy to send you what I can.


    That’d be fantastic!

    I’m currently waiting on signed copies of “I’ll Tell Them I Remember You” and “John Goldfarb, Please Come Home!” to arrive in the post. I then need to track down the likes of “Demons Five, Exorcists Nothing” “Which Way To Mecca, Jack?” “If There Were Demons, Then Perhaps There Were Angels” etc.

    So far, I’ve managed to track these covers of TTKK down:

    …and these of TNC:

    I’m always looking to add better quality versions, or unlisted images, so if you come across anything you think should be added, please forward it to me.


    I’m pea soup green with envy lol. I only have The Exorcist and Legion. Three different editions of Legion actually… that’s my running gag; A Legion Of Legion. *cue gags* I can send you scans of those if you like.


    If you could supply better versions of these:

    I’d really appreciate it!


    Good to see you back! Mike showed me the site a while back, it’s great. Though I still need to get around to actually watching TNC.

    I don’t mind you using those Legion pics, I actually replied to one of your IMDB posts linking to them for you to use. 😉

    I can also send you some making-of footage (albeit short) from the E! True Hollywood documentary if you want..


    Making of Legion? Holy shit, of course!

    I also need the high-res version of the head morphing trailer, preferably without the watermark at the beginning that ‘Gemini’ (I think?) put there years ago.


    I’ll have to go through it and pick out all the Legion bits but it shouldn’t take too long. They are pretty short but is nice to see some behind the scenes footage from Legion, though I wish they had put some from the original film or Dominion instead of all that ETB footage.


    Holy shit indeed! I didn’t think there was any Legion rare footage! Wow 😀 Update: I just looked at the Legion covers… the yellow one, the stairs one and the one with the priest drooling blood are mine 😉 . They were resized. I’ll send you the originals.

    Father Lamont

    If someone only could put up and Exorcist II: The Heretic site now! LOL

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