Mod, rather than spam every possibly relevant board here, I pick this one! (Post regards a book…two books, actually!)

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  • #14186

    Humble and honest prediction, based on mountains of personal, relentless, story-seeking research, including wide-ranging, extensive interviews with most of the relevant major players before, during and following the two historic releases, plus innumerable accumulated image publishing rights permissions for those keener to see it rather than read it:


    The Exorcist prequels encyclopedic tell-all/show-all will blow their, its audience’s, minds.


    Wish I were kidding, gang, as the book could have been out eons ago, had my findings only stayed amounting to mostly old news articles anyone could Google, a personal interview or two with subjects generally reiterating the same info we already knew. The compare and contrast piece would have been so much easier to manage, but thank God colleague Erik Kristopher Myers showed me how to proceed! His own The Exorcist book, on The Exorcist III / Legion, will surely prove itself the book to beat! We wanted these done in 2008. Well, trust me, the wait — or, in many cases, the total surprise of “Huh, a book?!!!1” — will be so worth it. I promise. Mine will be almost as good as his, too.


    For the faithful and those remembering, thank you. Everyone else interested, have and keep the faith! God had these movie makers spill their guts and/or provide imagery for a reason. So, like Erik’s journey, mine I’ve had to take and return to whenever possible, never abandoning, always giving my all in different capacities for the benefit of the inevitable, to-be-determined publisher looking for a comprehensive, hard-hitting, substantive examination of modern Hollywood filmmaking to release and compensate me modestly or handsomely for.


    Now then, I’m back here at my home of and look forward to logging in and posting on a semi- to regular basis, to revert back into thinking a lot more each day about this series of films, and not purely just my domain, these prequels.


    The ups and downs of life send us drifting indefinitely sometimes, but I’m exceedingly psyched to be back with my old CaptainHowdy and BloodyNews crew and readers, in addition to those of you I have yet to befriend (if…I may be so bold).


    Refusing to die,



    a.k.a. Father Merrinoia (at least if it’s possible to change names here, as I think it’s a golden codename! Perfect for a new return to, eh?)


    Nice to hear from you again, M.I.K.E.






    It is good to be back, amigo.



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