I thought i’d also mention that i’m not here to try and sell my stuff. This mask isn’t available from me until later this year, i just thought you guys might want to see it or add it to your fan art section.
I’m a UK based mask and prop maker and i’ve joined because i’m a big fan of mainly the first movie. Eileen Dietz is also a very good friend of mine after we worked some time ago. A very nice person she is too.
If you’ve met her recently at a convention, i make the little replica Pazuzu heads she sells.
Here is one of the few Exorcist related items i produce, it’s a full sized latex bust which can also be trimmed for wearing like a mask.
These look fantastic! Welcome to The Exorcist Fansite! Might want to post this in the correct forum, though? More visitors check THE EXORCIST (ORIGINAL) forum more than any. This one is reserved for pointing out problems with captainhowdy.com