Do you like the book or the movie better?

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  • #14040
    Good Mourning

    Do you guys like the book of The Exorcist better or the film? I can't seem to decide between the two..


    I like both really. 🙂


    We had a topic about this on The Exorcist imdb message board so I'm just going to copypaste what I wrote there:


    It's novel, novel, novel to me all the way 😀

    I love that Chris and Regan are based on my idols Shirley MacLaine and daughter Sachi, their relationship in the novel is even more special and has more depth as they can sense each others thoughts sometimes without putting them into words,

    I love the mystery of whether or not Regan was possessed and the gradual onset of her possession/illness. In the movie we don't see much of Regan while not possessed, her -pre-possessed- scenes only last about 5 minutes. The Trip to Washington cut scene when Regan asks, “Why do people have to die” and ” Why does God let them” would have added to the horror later on,

    I love the subplot on Mary Jo Perrin's witchcraft book that Regan may have read prior to the possession, it adds more creepiness to the story,

    All of the discussions about psychiatry, medicine and philosophy are more extensive and fascinating.

    I also love that the novel doesn't really answer the question of whether or not Regan was possessed and leaves that door slightly open. Well, obviously she was possessed, we all know that Blatty was writing about demonic possession but his intention was also to leave us in doubt and suspense, I personally love that and find it to be more eerie.

    Good Mourning

    Sofia said:

    We had a topic about this on The Exorcist imdb message board so I'm just going to copypaste what I wrote there:


    It's novel, novel, novel to me all the way 😀

    I love that Chris and Regan are based on my idols Shirley MacLaine and daughter Sachi, their relationship in the novel is even more special and has more depth as they can sense each others thoughts sometimes without putting them into words,

    I love the mystery of whether or not Regan was possessed and the gradual onset of her possession/illness. In the movie we don't see much of Regan while not possessed, her -pre-possessed- scenes only last about 5 minutes. The Trip to Washington cut scene when Regan asks, “Why do people have to die” and ” Why does God let them” would have added to the horror later on,

    I love the subplot on Mary Jo Perrin's witchcraft book that Regan may have read prior to the possession, it adds more creepiness to the story,

    All of the discussions about psychiatry, medicine and philosophy are more extensive and fascinating.

    I also love that the novel doesn't really answer the question of whether or not Regan was possessed and leaves that door slightly open. Well, obviously she was possessed, we all know that Blatty was writing about demonic possession but his intention was also to leave us in doubt and suspense, I personally love that and find it to be more eerie.

    That's actually a really good point you have there. The thing that makes me torn between the book and the film is that the film's soundtrack is actually really good. I think the musical score pulls more emotion into the movie, yet it seems as though the soundtrack gets overlooked a lot of the time (The Exorcist II also has a fantastic soundtrack.)


    Without doubt: the book. Much deeper, complex and revelatory of the characters' inner lives, especially Damien Karras.


    The book all the way.


    After just finishing the book. I still like both but the film I enjoy a lot. 🙂

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