Beyond the Door

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  • #13716
    Steve Dunlap

    I'm amazed (unless I'm blind) that no one has brought up this movie.  Although essentially it is a cheap Italian knockoff of The Exorcist, it does have some pretty creepy moments.  Haley Mills did a pretty good job of acting in this movie (which is about 99 percent dubbed in English because most of the actors are Italian.

    It is very much a derivation of The Exorcist.   There's bile spewing (albeit, animated at some points), head spinning, and even some demonic deformation.  But, again, it's a cheap knockoff…..and to hear the director of the movie defend that it is not a cheap knockoff is sometimes downright laughable.  But this time, the salvation for the possessed does not come from a priest, but from a Satan worshipper.    Interesting twist, which might be about the only thing that differentiates this movie from The (untouchable) Exorcist.


    Beyond the Door was the American title for this movie.  It was originally known as “The Devil Within Her” (which is actually the title that shows up in the movie)


    Juliet (Tabitha, “Passions”) Mills had the lead in this one. Nifty, slightly non-sensical rip off. Watched it again as a double feature with Mario Bava's butchered/re-edited “Lisa and the Devil” grindhouse pic; “The House of Exorcism” and more recently with Bava's “Beyond the Door II” & “Beyond the Door III”. Genre addict paradise!

    Steve Dunlap

    DaH!!! That'll learn me to not read the credits list on the DVD.  LOL!


    Yeah, I'd heard that there were some “sequels  in title” to Beyond the Door, but I never saw any of them.   Never heard off any of the other movies, but I'll have to check 'em out.   Thanks for the headsup. Smile


    That movie makes me laugh because I remember Juliet from Nanny and the Professor. When she says, “Who are you?,” I LMAO every time!

    Father Bowdern

    Steve Dunlap

    Yeah…it was a pretty laughable movie, but it still had a least a couple of chills.  Smile

    I can guarantee you this though….I'd never have been able to watch this movie as a kid….cheesy or not, it would've been another “Exorcist” to me.  LOL!


    I happen to agree with you this movie is a weak attempt to ride the wave the exorcist created. A Friend of mine bought me the special edition which has behind the scenes footage, interviews, ect … They actually hired actors when it first came out to faint in movie theatres. I did see the second one & it was just plain awful. The filming quality was the worst I've ever seen & the acting if you could call it acting was amateur at best. Looks as though they filmed it in & around some old broken down house with an unkept yard. If you have not seen the second one you have not missed much.


    Really? A third one? That's something I didn't know.

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