“Amazing World of Gumball” Exorcist themed episode

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    My kids love this deliciously zany new show on Cartoon Network.  In the “The Ghost” episode, Gumball allows his body to be possessed by a ghost named Carinne so that she can enjoy the experience of eating food.  Once she’s had a taste though, Carinne wants to continue the experience. 


    Go here, select “See all gumball video”, scroll down and select “show more” then choose the video “Junk Food Spree.”  It’s not shown in this clip, but in his possessed state, Gumball crawls upside down on the ceiling like Mrs. Clelia in E3, and of course his head rotates 360 degrees.  Try to catch the whole ep on Cartoon Network where it’s always being rerun.  It’s also available on demand, depending on your cable service.

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