Regan/Karras Fanfiction

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  • #13583

    I love this movie! Especially the prospect of fanfic about this movie. Can anyone post any Regan/Father Karras fiction???


    I love this movie! and I'm in love with Karras and Regan, I would read fics about them, I love this couple, I am Shipper KarrasRegan..

    I do things with photoshop, and also make videos and upload to my youtube channel, but I've never written fics them… Hehehehe

    Is there any website or place where you found Karras and Regan fanfics? I can contribute fanart, because I'm good at using Photoshop!! 

    this is my most recent work Karras and Regan:


    I make public my works fanart, fanfics and videos, on my Twitter and Youtube.

    My Twitter is: @estherliquid

    My Youtube is: estherliquid

    my email is:

    I created a club in Fanpop, for the couple Karras and Regan if you sign up you pass the link, I'm already starting to upload pictures, wallpapers and more… (((on Fanpop web search put: Damien Karras & Regan MacNeil)))


    My work on Twitter and Youtube is fanart of many couples “Multifandom” including Regan and Karras couple, I love since I first saw the movie, I did the couple KarrasRegan Shipper immediately..


    I'm Spanish, sorry if my English is painful, but I try to improve, sometimes use the translator so I hope you understand me, thank you!

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