Home / eBay / A Regan Halloween prop to end all Halloween props

A Regan Halloween prop to end all Halloween props

There are still plenty of people I meet who are genuinely creeped out at the very sight of Regan’s ghastly possessed face. They just can’t stand the sight of her and the memories of the film the image conjures up in their mind. If you also know people like this and you want to scare them to death this coming Halloween (or anytime, really) then this life-size prop of Regan would be perfect for you.

Currently selling on eBay, the prop features animatronics to rotate Regan’s head and roll her eyes on your command via wireless remote control. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Exorcist prop get it so perfect. Often they don’t look quite right, yet this prop is almost a spitting image of Linda Blair as Regan possessed by Pazuzu, right down to the gritty teeth and facial scars. She’s even holding a bloody crucifix and wearing the blue nightgown. Superb!

These are a custom job only (not made in bulk) and can only be bought via eBay at the fitting price of $666.

If any captainhowdy.com members happen top grab one of these, please share the goods with us in the Discussion Forum!

About Jason Stringer

Former Webmaster of captainhowdy.com

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