Speak to most horror fans of Generation Naughties and most will probably tell you they laughed at The Exorcist or don’t understand why the film is held in such high regard. It’s not an uncommon point of view that seems to be growing stronger as the years go by and the age of The Exorcist truly starts to show with every viewing.
In 1973/4, The Exorcist was original in every way imaginable, shocking audiences world-wide. Now, scenes of possession, exorcisms or priests facing evil are common and the ˜possessed’ category itself has had its fair share of SNL skits and other humorous jabs in all kinds of media. From a pop-culture sense, this proves how era-defining The Exorcist really was. Unfortunately, it also means the majority of today’s audiences might not take such imagery seriously. They grew up understanding that a head spinning 180, throwing up on priests and levitating was all part of funny late-night skits; and common-knowledge as horror ˜standard’ “ therefore it shouldn’t really be done in a serious horror film because it could no longer be taken seriously.
It’s with this in mind that I cringe of the news than a new film going into pre-production has been dubbed ˜Big Daddy meets The Exorcist’. It’s called Creepy Kid and it will hit our screens next year, apparently being released by DreamWorks. Horror news kings bloody-disgusting.com dropped the news on their website.
Click Here to view the story. If the film gets off the ground, it will be interesting to see just how many Exorcist references are used, and whether they are appropriately acknowledged